
Saturday, August 6, 2011

In between Update

North American Night went well, our food was completely devoured. We made Mexican rice, enchiladas, 7 layer dip, salsa and tres leche cake. No leftovers. Here at the base we have work duties for a couple hours each day. My work duties are dinner prep, so I'm usually in the kitchen, but once or twice a week we get a break and only have to do clean up (which takes less time). So on the day we made our food I pretty much ran the kitchen, kinda funny cuz I walked in and sense I knew what needed to happen the leader told me, “OK your directing today” It was hectic, but it all tasted delicious and got out on time.
Some more interesting things about the village, we have “village dogs” which just basically means they don't have an owner. It's kinda funny cuz they are mostly all males and have their sections of territory marked out. There is Scrappy who lives by my house, he's nice, but I would never really want to touch him cuz of ticks and fleas. There is a dog named “Scruff n' Stuff” because it refers to the dog itself as well as everything that might be living on him (he looks like he's in pretty poor shape). There are some more that I don't know as well, although there is a dog who lives down the road, he has an owner, but he is not so nice. They call him “Chuckles” because when you pass by he growls and barks in a sort of chuckle type sound.
Friday my school along with a Nepali Youth group went and had a program in a park and got to do some e-work. It was really great. We got to share with so many people and P for a lot of people. At the beginning we got some words of knowledge and met the people who they were for (someone with pain in their leg and someone with a lot of fear). Some people came to know Jman that night and it was really wonderful! I hope we are able to do it again.
This weekend has been nice, I've gotten out more, but not to new places. I went to Starbucks yesterday with the other students, which was so important because we hardly get to talk and hang out sense were always doing Hw and studying. So, it was fun to chill and talk about non-school related topics for once. Then I went over to a staff house and played dutch blitz for 2 and half hours with 7 people! It was intense, but very fun. I made a come back from -54 to positive 52!!!!! Woo hoo! Went from last place to 3rd. So, that was good. Today I'm going into town today to hang with my Small Group leader (a person who is there to help keep you accountable and is available if there is anything I want to talk about), it's part of the school to meet at least once a week. Then tonight we are celebrating someone's bday and going to watch a movie.
This last week's topic was “Character and Community”, it was really great. We mostly talked about Character, but it ended up being a very powerful teaching. This week I am really excited for is....... Business as M work! The guy who teaches it has been teaching it for years, so I'm looking forward to it.

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